How to Decipher ODES Part Numbers
If you’ve ever looked for an ODES part, chances are you’ve encountered something like this:
A part diagram with a list of corresponding parts. This is pretty typical for any OEM part diagram. What is not so typical, is the text string used in the parts list.
Let’s break it down and see if we can figure out what ODES is trying to say.
As the largest retailer for ODES OEM parts, we have spent many hours staring at screens just like the image above. We learned there is a system to deciphering ODES parts. If we’re going to share this system with you, we need an example. So let’s take the first item listed on the breakdown in the screen shot.
EG800-1-001/ 1/ 21040100101/ Cylinder head gasket/Fits D2, D4, X2, X4, Raider, ATV 800cc 60HP
The last half of this string is self-explanatory. We’ll focus on the part that tends to cause the most confusion.
EG800-1-001/ 1/ 21040100101
Part 1. Location, Location, Location.
EG800-1-001. This is not a part number. Since it's the first thing you see, it's a common belief that this is in fact the part number. It is not.
The first number refers to the LOCATION of the part. Think of it as a home address.
EG800 translates to the 800cc motor.
-1 translates to the first breakdown. In this case, that's the Front Cylinder.
-001 refers to the location of the part on the diagram. So if you're looking at the diagram, this is the part labelled "1".
So EG800-1-001 is ODES 800cc Front Cylinder Head, Item 1.
Part 2. Location Again.
The next part of this line is / 1/. This is the third location listed again. Why is it listed twice? I don’t know. But you can ignore this part. The location of the part on the diagram is already listed in the first part of the string.
Part 3. The ACTUAL Part Number
The third part of this string is the most important part. 21040100101 is the part number that distinguishes each part as an individual.
Think of this number as a social security number.
Each individual (or part) can have many home addresses, but only one social security number.
Making Sense of ODES Part Numbers
At Scooter’s Powersports, we list OEM parts with their name (which can vary) and their OEM part number. So our example becomes CYLINDER HEAD GASKET | 21040100101. ODES lists some parts with the same part number but different names. We try to choose a name that will cause the least amount of confusion. We include more details in the part description on the product page. For example, ODES lists two oil filters for the 800cc motor. One is the oil filter that most people look for when they do a routine engine oil change. The other is not. So we updated the name and description to avoid confusion.
We don’t refer to parts by their location because there would be far, far, too many duplicates to keep track of. For example, the OEM part number 01224060161 is a screw. If we listed it by LOCATION, it would duplicate approximately 20 times. (It shows up in about 20 different part diagrams.)
It’s also worth noting that we don’t list part numbers with a leading zero. So the ODES part number 01224060161 becomes SCREW | 1224060161.
At last count, there were about 2,500 ODES OEM parts listed on our website and around 200 ODES OEM part diagrams. Each one created by a single person based on data published by ODES Industries. We’re auditing products and adding descriptions daily. If you find any errors or have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We’re happy to help you find the parts you need. Remember, any errors you point out makes this site easier to use for everyone.